3 Rules for Better Work-Life Balance with Dr. Ashley Whillans (Ep. 10)

3 Rules for Better Work-Life Balance with Dr. Ashley Whillans (Ep. 10)

Do you ever feel like you are on overload? Too much to do, too little time! Is this stress depleting your happiness and ability to do things for yourself?  In this episode, Barbara Archer is joined by Dr. Ashley Whillans, an assistant professor in the Negotiation, Organizations & Markets Unit, at Harvard Business School and …

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Reducing Holiday Drama and Increasing Joy with Jane Mintz (Ep. 9)

Reducing Holiday Drama and Increasing Joy with Jane Mintz (Ep. 9)

With the holidays approaching, do you have friends or family that express some anxiousness during this time of year or act out a little? Are you worried about your friends or family overeating, overdrinking, or oversharing? This might be an opportunity to help someone you love with an addiction issue…  In this episode, Barbara Archer …

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Hope for Autism and Other Neurological Challenges with Dr. John Mantovani (Ep. 8)

Hope for Autism and Other Neurological Challenges with Dr. John Mantovani (Ep. 8)

Have you noticed that something different might be occurring with your child or grandchild and wonder if there is a problem? If so, these questions are not uncommon, and many people are not aware of what to look out for when detecting a neurological condition in young children.  In this episode, Barbara Archer is joined …

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A Guide For Gratitude with Sarah Ban Breathnach (Ep. 7)

A Guide For Gratitude with Sarah Ban Breathnach (Ep. 7)

Are you interested to hear from a best-selling author who was once referenced by Time Magazine as the Martha Stewart of the Soul?  In this episode, Barbara Archer is joined by Sarah Ban Breathnach, author of 13 books including her number one New York Times Best Seller: Simple Abundance, A Daybook of Comfort and Joy, …

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Navigating Aging Eye Care with Dr. Nancy Holekamp (Ep. 6)

Navigating Aging Eye Care with Dr. Nancy Holekamp (Ep. 6)

If you have trouble seeing, have constantly dry eyes, are wondering if everyone gets cataracts or sunglasses, and finally, are wondering how vitamins can maintain the overall health of your eyes, this episode is for you!  In this episode, Barbara Archer is joined by Dr. Nancy Holekamp, director of retina services at the Pepose Vision …

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The Silent Symptoms of Menopause with Dr. Sheryl Kingsberg (Ep. 5)

The Silent Symptoms of Menopause with Dr. Sheryl Kingsberg (Ep. 5)

Are you or a loved one nearing menopause or full menopausal? Have you been experiencing sleep problems? Do you feel moody? Do you have hot flashes, itchy skin or have you experienced hair loss? These are all silent symptoms of menopause.  In this episode, Barbara Archer is joined by Dr. Sheryl Kingsberg, the chief of …

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How to Prepare your Family for What We Will Never Avoid with Kathi Balasek (Ep. 4)

How to Prepare your Family for What We Will Never Avoid with Kathi Balasek (Ep. 4)

Having tough conversations about the future and preparing for the inevitable can be extremely tough for many. As our guest Kathi puts it, “Grief is grief, no matter how you spin it, it can define you or strengthen you.”  In this episode, Barbara Archer is joined by Kathi Balasek, university lecturer, educator, empathy and grief …

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Brain Play for Sharper Thinking with Dr. Cynthia Green (Ep. 3)

Brain Play for Sharper Thinking with Dr. Cynthia Green (Ep. 3)

Have you ever had trouble recalling someone’s name or wondered why you went into a room to get something? Have you ever worried about staying mentally sharp as you age?  With dementia on the rise, as someone in the world develops it every three seconds, it is not uncommon to worry about losing your memory …

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Navigating Tipping Points When Caring For A Loved One with Mim Senft (Ep. 2)

Navigating Tipping Points When Caring For A Loved One with Mim Senft (Ep. 2)

When caring for a loved one, no matter the challenges, it is always tough to determine when enough is enough. These might include physical or behavioral challenges that can impede the better judgment of these individuals.   In this episode, Barbara Archer is joined by Mim Senft, Founder of Motivity Partnerships and Managing Director of Motivity …

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